Is Bread Always Considered As A Consumer Good?
Today, I have decided to answer a question from national income accounting. This question is very common and readily available in many books and other online sources. I would also like to do my part in answering this question as per my understanding level. Let’s learn.
We have already discussed the meaning of consumer goods; these are those goods that satisfy the wants of a consumer directly. Now, let’s find the answer to the above question. Is Bread Always Considered As A Consumer Good?
Well, the answer to the above question depends on the end-use of the bread. In simple words, if someone purchases bread for consuming at home with their family then it is a consumer good because bread is purchased for consumption purposes and not for resale. Now, if the bread is purchased by some bakery for making sandwiches (final good) for selling in the market, then the bread is acting as an intermediate good. In this scenario, bread is used as an input in the sandwich hence it is not a consumer good for that bakery, because they are using it for resale and not for consuming. So, the final answer is ‘NO’, bread is not always considered as a consumer good as it depends on the person and the purpose of buying the same.
I hope it was helpful.
Photo by Youjeen Cho on Unsplash