Posted by Anjali Kaur on Apr 06, 2021

9 ways to Excel in any Exam

This is like a mantra that every student seeks to get hold of. If you really want to excel in any exam, that is, you really want to perform better than the rest. Then be ready to give in your 100%, just remember 1 thing, you are doing this for your ownself. Let’s see what tips or ways I recommend to my students. Read 9 ways to Excel in any Exam.

1. Responsible

Become responsible for your own performance, do not seek excuses for not able to cope up with your work. Never ever use words or excuses as I was at a wedding, I was out of town, My mom is sick, I was not well, I don’t have the homework, I don’t have connectivity in my area, or he/she didn’t share the work with me. Please, grow up, own your mistakes, own it. You are wrong, you are just trying to hide behind the curtains. Stop it, if you want. to excel, then be responsible.

Be responsible enough to get it done at any cost. Whether it costs you several sleepless nights. Take it as a challenge, that I will enjoy and I will work harder but I will not lag behind anyone. I will always be ahead of them.

2. Consistent

Without consistency, you will not win it. Trust me, even if it’s a holiday or a Sunday or you are out of town. Take your notes along with you, or take a photo of your notes on your mobiles. Learn it, read it, re-read it and revise it again and again, until it is absorbed in your mindfully.

Do not be lazy, do not take any off. Be harsh on yourself, you have to study every single day of the year. This is the only way you can excel in your exams.

3. Talk Less

People who talk more, never excel in life. Be a person of quality, whatever comes out of your mouth should be valuable enough. People should talk to you, and should always get some wisdom from you. Make sure you distribute it, do not hide it. Don’t play cheap tricks, if someone is asking you to explain the following topic then you should help. But there is a difference between helping others understand or helping another cheat.

Your focus should be to help others understand, trust me they will thank you even after you are not in touch with them, in the future.

4. Portrait Mode

When you start studying, your 100% focus should be on understanding the concept and nothing else should be visible to you. The focus should be so deep, even if a person talks to you, you should not be able to hear the same. This comes with practice, I have been doing this for many years, now only other things are getting blurred when I place in my 100% focus. So, keep the portrait mode on!

5. Pray

Praying should be a daily activity, whether you go to gurudwara, mandir, masjid, it should be regular. Or even if you recite at home, it should be felt from the heart. You should feel peace after it. I personally prefer going to Gurudwara without taking my mobile with me.

This way, I am disconnected from any distractions which will affect my time with God. I interact with my soul when I am at any religious soul. It’s true. Try!

6. Be timely

It means, follows a proper sequence. When you start preparing for any exam, keep your syllabus booklet or curriculum handy. Read it, analyze it, make a mind map, assign days or divide it into several miny tasks.

Do not expect to complete a book in a day. It should be a long-term goal, go step by step. Aim to reach the top by following a proper hierarchy, nobody became a genius overnight. Everyone burns midnight oil for several nights, gives up leisure, made several sacrifices that only they achieve success in the end.

Do not waste your precious time gossiping or discussing other people. Pointing out flaws is different, but get done with it. No more talks about people, talk ideas, look for solutions. Destiny will automatically start showing a path that you can lead to. Stick it out and get your reward!

7. Be respectful

Be respectful towards your surroundings, no matter how they are. Don’t become arrogant, overconfident. How can you stop this to happen? It’s easy, be caring. Help others, but do not let other start taking advantage of you. Remember Anil Kapoor from Taal, “Me First”, always you should be the first, whether it comes to taking care of your health or complete your homework first. You should be aware of the things to guide others. So be respectful and updated at the same time.

8. Sweat

You need to sweat to get the hidden energy inside you. It means you need to work out and sweat. Go for running, do push-ups, pull-ups, plank, tricep dips, squats, whatever you can do to make yourself sweat.

It is the utmost tip to excel in any exam. Trust me it is not a waste of time, just spend 40 minutes on yourself. It is important for you to take out all the negative energy and aggression hidden inside you, for you to start seeing things clearly.

9. Eat right

Of course, only sweating won’t help. You need to eat green veggies, fruits, lots of water. What you fuel yourself, will reflect in your performance. So start eating right and stop the junk altogether. You will see a drastic change in your efficiency level in a matter of 2-3 months. Tried and tested!.

Thank You!

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Photo by Giorgio Trovato on Unsplash

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