Posted by Anjali Kaur on Oct 28, 2020

Legal Redressal Agencies

There are 3 legal redressal agencies under the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. Namely;

  1. District Forum
  2. State Commission
  3. National Commission

Let’s learn more about it.

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District Forum

District Forum consists of a President and 2 other members. The president can be a retired or working judge of the District court. They are appointed by the State Government.

The complaint of goods and services worth up to Rs 1 crore can be filed in this agency.

The agency sends the goods for testing in laboratory if required and gives decisions on the basis of facts and laboratory reports. If the aggrieved party is not satisfied by the jurisdiction of the district forum, then they can file an appeal against the judgement in State Commission within 30 days.

State Commission

State Commission consists of a President and 2 other members. The president must be a retired or working judge of the high court. They all are appointed by the State Commission.

The complaint about the goods worth between Rs 1 crore to Rs 10 crore can be filed in the State Commission.

On receiving complaints, the state commission contacts the party against whom the complaint is filed and the goods for testing in the lab if required. In case the aggrieved party is not satisfied with the judgment, then they can file an appeal in National Commission within 30 days.

State Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission U T Chandigarh, Chandigarh  Sector 19b - Government Organisations in Chandigarh - Justdial

National Commission

The National Commission consists of a president and 4 members, one of whom shall be a woman. They are appointed by Central Government.

The complaint can be filed in the National Commission if the value of goods exceeds Rs 10 crore.

On receiving the complaint, the National Commission informs the party against whom the complaint is filed and sends the goods for testing if required, and gives the judgment. If the aggrieved party is not satisfied with the judgment, then they can file a complaint in Supreme Court within 30 days.

Thank You!

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Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

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