Management As An Art
Management as an art is the skillful and personal application of existing knowledge to achieve desired results. In this post, we will learn some of the most important features of management as an art.
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Features of Management as an art
Let’s go through some of the important features of management as an art:-
1. Existence of theoretical knowledge
Art assumes the existence of certain theoretical knowledge. The management system is a body of knowledge for acquiring management skills. For example, literature on dancing, music is widely recognized.
2. Personalised application
The use of this basic knowledge varies from individual to individual. Art, therefore, is a very personalized concept. In management also, all managers learn basic management theory. For example, 2 actors, 2 writers, 2 dancers will always differ in demonstrating their art.
3. Based on practice and creativity
All art is practical. Art involves the creative practice of existing theoretical knowledge. Same way with experience manager also improves their management skills and efficiency.
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