Responsibilities of the Consumer
A consumer should keep in mind some of the responsibilities while purchasing, using, or consuming any goods or services. Let’s learn about the responsibilities of consumers.

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Duties of Consumer
Duties or responsibilities of the consumers are as follows:
1. Knowledge about the Market
The consumer should be aware of various goods and services which are available in the market, to make intelligent and wise choices.
2. Quality Conscious
Consumers should buy standardized goods as they provide quality assurance, that is, they should look for ISI mark on electrical goods, hallmark (BIS) on jewelry, etc.

3. Use Product Safely
The consumer should learn about the risk associated with products and services, should follow the manufacturer’s instructions, and use product safety.
4. Careful
The consumer should read the labels carefully, to have information about prices, net weight, manufacturing and expiry dates, etc.

5. Assertive
Consumers should make sure that they gets a fair deal.

6. Honest
The consumers should be honest in their dealings and should choose from only legal goods and services. Consumers should try to discourage illegal practices like black marketing, etc.
7. Ask for Cash Memo
Consumers should ask for a cash memo on the purchase of goods and services. This would serve as proof of the purchase made.

8. File a Case
The consumer should file a complaint in an appropriate consumer forum in case of a short-coming in the quality of goods purchased.
9. Form Consumer Societies
Consumer societies would play an active part in educating consumers and safeguarding their interests.
10. Respect the Environment
The consumer should avoid waste, littering and contributing to pollution.
Some important marks:
ISI – Indian Standard Institutions – These marks are for consumer durable products, electronic items, etc.

Agmark – Agricultural Marketing – This mark is on agricultural commodities and livestock products.

BIS Hallmark – Bureau of Indian Standard – This mark is on gold jewelry.

Woolmark – This mark is on 100% pure wool.

EcoMark – This mark is on environmental friendly products.

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Photo by Hannah Wei on Unsplash