Posted by Anjali Kaur on Aug 21, 2020

Worksheet – Development Experience of India, China, and Pakistan

Attempt this worksheet after revising the development experience of India, China, and Pakistan and the Development path of Pakistan. Go ahead, you can do it.

Good luck!


1. Why are regional and economic groupings formed?

2. What are the various means by which countries are trying to strengthen their domestic economies?

3. What similar developmental strategies have India and Pakistan followed for their respective developmental paths?

4. Explain the Great Leap Forward campaign of China as initiated in 1958.

5. China’s rapid industrial growth can be traced back to its reforms in 1978. Do you agree? Elucidate.

6. Describe the path of developmental initiatives taken by Pakistan for its economic development.

7. What is the important implication of the ‘one child norm’ in China?

8. Mention the salient demographic indicators of China, Pakistan, and India.

9. Compare and contrast India and China’s sectoral contribution towards GDP in 2003. What does it indicate?

10. Mention the various indicators of human development.

11. Define the liberty indicator. Give some examples of liberty indicators.

12. Evaluate the various factors that led to the rapid growth in economic development in China.

13. Group the following features pertaining to the economies of India,

China and Pakistan under three heads

• One-child norm

• Low fertility rate

• High degree of urbanisation

• Mixed economy

• Very high fertility rate

• Large population

• High density of population

• Growth due to manufacturing sector

• Growth due to service sector.

14. Give reasons for the slow growth and re-emergence of poverty in Pakistan.

15. Compare and contrast the development of India, China, and Pakistan with respect to some salient human development indicators.

16. Comment on the growth rate trends witnessed in China and India in the last two decades.

17. Fill in the blanks

(a) First Five Year Plan of ________________ commenced in the year 1956.

(b) Maternal mortality rate is high in _____________.

(c) Proportion of people below poverty line is more in __________.

(d) Reforms in ______________ were introduced in 1978.

You can also download the PDF of this worksheet here ✌

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