Posted by Anjali Kaur on Oct 18, 2020

Investment Multiplier

The multiplier is the ratio of increase in national income due to an increase in investment. The investment multiplier is represented by ‘K’.

K = Change in Y/ Change in Investment

K = 1/ (1-MPC)

K = 1/MPS

 Let’s learn more about it

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Important points about investment multiplier, K

  1. There exists a direct relationship between MPC and the value of the multiplier.
  2. There exists an inverse relationship between MPS and the value of the multiplier.
  3. In the case of higher MPC, people spend a large proportion of their increase in national income on consumption. So, the value of the investment multiplier will be higher.
  4. In the case of lower MPC, people will spend a lesser proportion of the increase in national income on consumption. So, the value of the investment multiplier will be less.
  5. The maximum value of investment multiplier is infinity when MPC = 1 or MPS = 0
  6. The minimum value of the investment multiplier is 1 when MPC = 0 or MPS = 1.
  7. The investment multiplier can not be 0 or less than 1.

Relationship between K, MPC and MPS

AD = C + I

Y = C + I

Divide this by Change in Y

1 = MPC + Change in Investment/ Change in National income

1- MPC = Change in Investment / Change in National income

Taking reciprocal

Thank You for reading.

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National income

National income formula list

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Circular flow of income

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Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

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