Practice Test 2
Practice Test 2, on Indian Economy, Class XII, as per CBSE curriculum.
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Ques 1-10 carry 1 mark each.
- What is economic planning?
- What does the term ‘growth’ in the context of a country denote?
- What is the ‘structural composition’ of an economy?
- Define the term ‘self-reliance’.
- What do you mean by land reforms?
- What is land ceiling?
- What do you understand by Green Revolution?
- What is ‘Marketed Surplus’?
- Define small scale indutry.
- What is ‘import-substitution’?
Ques 11 – 30 carries 3 marks each
11. How was the zamindari system of land settlement responsible for the stagnation of Indian agriculture?
12. Explain the state of industries in India on the eve of independence.
13. “The colonial era was responsible for the decline/ruin of traditional handicraft industries”. Accept/refute the above statement.
14. What was the effect of the systematic deindustrialization policy followed by the British?
15. What was the nature of India’s foreign trade under British rule?
16. When was the Suez Canal opened? How did it affect the Indian Economy?
17. What was the IMR during colonial rule? Why was it so high?
18. How did the construction of railways affect the structure of the Indian Economy?
19. Explain the objectives of Britain for developing the railways in India.
20. Explain any three positive contributions made by the British in India.
21. How are economies classified into different types of economic systems?
22. State the long-term objectives of Five Year Plans in India.
23. How has India’s occupational structure changed in the period 1950 to 1990?
24. Explain ‘Modernisation’ as an aim of the five-year plan.
25. What has been the impact of self-reliance on the Indian economy?
26. Explain the policy of ‘land to the tiller’ and its benefits.
27. How did the Green revolution enable the government to procure sufficient food grains and build its buffer stocks?
28. Write the importance of subsidies in relevance to the Indian farmers.
29. Discuss the principle components of IPR,1956.
30. How were the industries classified according to the IPR,1956.
Ques 31 to 34 carries 6 marks each
31. Explain any 6 characteristics of the Indian Economy on the eve of independence.
32. Explain 6 main causes of India’s agricultural stagnation during the colonial period.
33. Was there any economic drain during the colonial period? Explain.
34. What were the various forms of revenue settlement adopted by the British in India? How far do you think settlements have a bearing on the current agricultural scenario in India?
Thank You!
- Sample paper 1 on Macroeconomics
- Sample paper 2 on Macroeconomics
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- Sample paper 4
- Sample paper 1 on Indian Economy
- Sample paper 2 on Indian Economy
- Practice test on Indian Economy
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