Nationalism in India – Worksheet
Nationalism in India – Worksheet. In this post, you will find questions will elaborate explanations and pictures from the NCERT Book, where the answers are mentioned. Nationalism in India, is a part of class 10, CBSE curriculum for history under social studies.
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Also, start making notes and revise them over and over again!
According to the census of 1921, how many people perished as a result of famines and the epidemic?

According to the census of 1921, 12 to 13 million people perished as a result of famines and the epidemic.

When did Mahatma Gandhi return to India from South Africa?

Mahatma Gandhi returned to India in January 1915.

In which Congress Session, was the non-cooperation program adopted?

Finally, at the Congress session at Nagpur in December 1920, a compromise was worked out and the Non-Cooperation program was adopted.

Who formed the Swaraj Party?

C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru formed the Swaraj Party within Congress to argue for a return to council politics.

Identify the appropriate reason for the Swaraj Party from the options given below:

They felt that it was important to oppose British policies within the councils, argue for reform, and also demonstrate that these councils were not truly democratic. C. R. Das and Motilal Nehru formed the Swaraj Party within the Congress to argue for a return to council politics

Identify the reason for the non-participation of industrialists, when Mahatma Gandhi re-launched the Civil Disobedience Movement from the options given below:

They were apprehensive of the spread of militant activities and worried about prolonged disruption of business, as well as of the growing influence of socialism amongst the younger members of the Congress.

Study the picture and answer: Which of the following aspects signifies the image of Bharat Mata?

In this painting Bharat Mata is portrayed as an ascetic figure; she is calm, composed, divine, and spiritual.

In Assam, under the _____ Act of 1859, plantation workers were not permitted to leave the tea gardens without permission.

Under the Inland Emigration Act of 1859, plantation workers were not permitted to leave the tea gardens without permission, and in fact, they were rarely given such permission.

Arrange the following events in the order of their happening:
i) Rowlatt Act, ii) Kheda Satyagraha, iii) Champaran Satyagraha, iv) Beginning of Non-cooperation.

In 1916 he traveled to Champaran in Bihar to inspire the peasants to struggle against the oppressive plantation system.
Then in 1917, he organized a satyagraha to support the peasants of the Kheda district of Gujarat

Gandhiji in 1919 decided to launch a nationwide satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act (1919).

Finally, at the Congress session at Nagpur in December 1920, a compromise was worked out and the Non-Cooperation program was adopted

The correct answer is:

Assertion: Imposition of Martial Law in 1919.
Reason: Firing in Amritsar on a peaceful procession leading to attacks on banks, post offices, and railways.

Alarmed by the popular upsurge, and scared that lines of communication such as the railways and telegraph would be disrupted, the British administration decided
to clamp down on nationalists. Local leaders were picked up from
Amritsar and Mahatma Gandhi were barred from entering Delhi.
On 10 April, the police in Amritsar fired upon a peaceful procession, provoking widespread attacks on banks, post offices, and railway stations. Martial law was imposed and General Dyer took command

Both Assertion and Reason are true, but R is not the correct explanation of Assertion.
Thank You!
“Questions Credit: Ms. Mandeep Kaur – HOD Social Studies, Shishu Niketan Public School, Mohali.”
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- Resources and Development (Part-1)
- Resources and Development (Part-2)
- Resources and Development (Part-3)
- Resources and Development (Part-4)
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