Posted by Anjali Kaur on Jun 11, 2021

Resources and Development(Part-3)

We have understood, the meaning of resources, interdependence between nature, technology, and humans, and the detailed classification of resources. In this blog post on resources and development(part-3), we will learn about the development of resources, summit 1992, Agenda 21. This is a part of the resources and development chapter of class 10 geography, as prescribed by CBSE. Let’s check it.

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Also, start making notes and revise them over and over again!

Problems related to Indiscriminate use of resources

The over use of resources has caused several major problems:

  1. Depletion of Resources: Resources are finishing just to complete the need of greedy people.
  2. Accumulation of Resources: Resources are left in few hands only, divided society into 2 parts- Rich and Poor.
  3. Indiscriminate exploitation of Resources: Resources are wasted which has led to global warming, ozone layer depletion, pollution, and land degradation.

Major Problems due to indiscriminate use of resources can be learned with the code “AID” which means help:

A – Accumulation of Resources

I – Indiscriminate use of resources

D- Depletion of resources

Revise it again!

Why do we need resource planning?

Resource planning is important for the sustainable(continuous) existence of all life forms, which helps in sustainable development.

What is sustainable development?


What is sustainable economic development?

It means that development should take place without hurting the environment, and the development in the present should not compromise with the needs of future generations.

Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit, 1992

  • Held in June 1992, with more than 100 H.O.S (Head of State).
  • They met in Rio de Janeiro (place) in Brazil, for the 1st International Earth Summit.
  • Why? This summit was held for addressing urgent problems of E + S which are environment protection and social-economic development.
  • The assembled leaders signed the declaration on G+ B, which is Global climatic change and Biological diversity.
  • This Earth summit imposed GLOBAL FOREST PRINCIPLES & AGENDA 21 to achieve sustainable development.
Signed a declaration

Agenda 21

  • Agenda 21 is a declaration signed by world leaders in 1992.
  • Where? At the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), which took place in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
  • What’s the aim of Agenda 21? To achieve global sustainable development by fighting environmental damage, poverty, disease through global participation
  • Each country shared responsibilities.
  • 1 major objective of Agenda 21 was that each local government will draw its own local Agenda 21.
Sustainable Development

Thank You So much for reading the above content.

This is the third post on Resources and development. I am going to produce more such blog posts.

Feel free to join my Facebook group made for Social Studies and you can also subscribe to my website to receive a monthly mail on all the collated posts. Also, subscribe to my YouTube channel to get video explanations of the topics.

Take a look at the previous blog posts on resources and development.

  1. Resources and Development (Part-1)
  2. Resources and Development (Part-2)

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Photo by USGS on Unsplash

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