Organization of data
Organization of data involves classifying the variable as a continuous and discreet variable.
Let’s understand this topic in detail.
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What is a variable?
A Variable is a characteristic that is capable of being measured and changes its value over time.
Types of variable
It is of 2 types:
- Continuous variable
- Discreet variable
Continuous variable
Continuous variables are those which can take any numerical value it can take integral values like 1,2,3,4 or fractional values like 1/2, 1/4, 3/4.
It could be in square root or even the maximum or minimum temperature of the city, etc.
Discreet variable
The discreet variable can only take certain values. It changes value only infinite values. For example, a number of students in a class. It cannot take values like 25.5, 1/8, etc.
What is frequency distribution?
Frequently distribution is that series in which items cannot be exactly measured. The items assumed are arranged or placed within the range, the range is called class intervals. Each item in the series is written against a particular class interval by way of a tally bar.
The number of times an item occurs is shown as frequency against the class interval to which that item belongs.
For example,
What is presentation of data?
It means that the data should be presented in such a way that the facts and figures are clearly understood and are capable of being analyzed. Data can be presented in the following ways:
- Tabular presentation of data
- Diagrammatic presentation of data. (In the next post)
Tabular presentation of data
This data is presented in rows and columns (vertical) and rows (horizontal). The advantage is that it organizes the data for further statistical treatment and decision-making.
Tabular presentation of data is of 4 types:
- Qualitative data presentation – When the classification is done according to social status such as gender, nationality, etc.
- Quantitative data presentation – When the classification is done according to quantity then it is called quantitative classification. For example, in the age group of 10-14, and 63% literate in the Bihar state.
- Temporal tabular classification – When time becomes the classifying variable and when data are characterized and categorized according to time. For example, like a month, year, etc.
- Spatial classification – When the classification is done on the basis of place. For example, cities, countries, districts, like exports from India to the rest of the world in 1 year as a share of the total exports.
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I hope it was helpful, you can refer to more posts related to the statistics.
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Photo by Harry Cunningham on Unsplash